Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The importance of Ida

Ed Yong at Not Exactly Rocket Science tells it like it is: Darwinius changes everything.
The new fossil is remarkably complete and well-preserved, although the media glossed over these facts in favour of the creature's ability to cure swine flu. Ida was hailed as a "missing link" in human evolution, beautifully illustrating our transition from leaping about in trees to rampant mass-media sensationalism.
Recreated through CGI, Ida is also set to play a pivotal role in the climax of the new Harry Potter film, where she will be voiced by Keira Knightley and wield a powerful 'Changus Totalus' spell. Special effects will also be used to insert Ida into previous seasons of the Wire and past G8 summits.
Here's a slightly more serious discussion of the find from PZ Myers. Darwinius Masillae.
People have been using remarkable hyperbole when discussing Darwinius. She's going to affect paleontology "like an asteroid falling down to earth"; she's the "Mona Lisa" of fossils; she answers all of Darwin's questions about transitional fossils; she's "something that the world has never seen before"; "a revolutionary scientific find that will change everything". Well, OK. I was impressed enough that I immediately made Ida my desktop wallpaper, so I'm not trying to diminish the importance of the find. But let's not forget that there are lots of transitional forms found all the time. She's unique as a representative of a new species, but she isn't at all unique as a representative of the complex history of life on earth.
And yes, I will at some point write something myself. I'm just currently trying to get this blog going and thinking of topics. Any ideas?

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